What Fixings Can You For Plasterboard?


When it comes to fixing plasterboard, it's important to use the right fixings for the job. Some will be better suited than others, depending on the type or project and materials used. Here, we'll look at what types of fixings you can use when working with plasterboard.

What Are Plasterboard Fixings?

Plasterboard fixings are specifically designed to attach plasterboards together or to other materials, such as metal, timber, masonry or concrete. They come in various shapes and sizes, including specialised types that can provide a strong fixing into drywall. 

What Fixings Can You Use On Plasterboard?

There are several different types of fixings and fastenings available for use with plasterboard – all with their own unique benefits and drawbacks.

Drywall Screws 

Drywall screws are the most popular fixing for plasterboard, and for good reason. They’re incredibly strong and can easily hold up to 10 pounds per screw (depending on the type you use). Drywall screws also come in various lengths and sizes, which makes them particularly versatile when it comes to fastening plasterboard. Additionally, they are inexpensive and easy to install. 


Another popular option is the humble nail. Nails can easily be hammered into place and hold up well against moderate impacts. However, they are not as strong as drywall screws and should never be used if you need your plasterboard to support more than 20 pounds of weight. Additionally, nails don’t provide much stability against movement so it’s important that you position them accordingly. 

Wall Anchors 

Wall anchors offer an alternative solution to nails and screws when it comes to fastening plasterboard as they provide an extra degree of stability against movement, while still being able to support heavy weights.

Wall anchors also have the advantage of being easy to install without any special tools or equipment – all you need is a hammer! However, wall anchors are more expensive than other fixings so they may not be suitable for every project. 

How To Use Plasterboard Fixings

1.        Choosing the Right Fastener Type 

When selecting the fastener type, it is important to consider what type of wall you are fixing your plasterboard onto. Different types of walls require different types of fasteners because some can provide stronger grip than others.

For example, if you are fixing your plasterboard onto brick or concrete walls, then heavy-duty screws would be better suited than nails as they offer more holding power.

Alternatively, if you are fixing onto timber studs or joists, then nails may suffice as they allow for greater flexibility when dealing with movement in these materials. 

2.                  Drilling Pilot Holes 

Once you have chosen the right type of fastener for the job, it’s time to start drilling pilot holes into the plasterboard before driving it down. This helps to ensure that your fastener won’t split or crack the plasterboard and also makes them easier to drive into place without causing damage.

A good rule of thumb is to drill holes that are 1mm bigger than your chosen fastener size; this allows for better grip and prevents splits from occurring when driving in your fasteners. 

3.                  Ensure Proper Spacing Between Fasteners 

Proper spacing between each fastener is essential if you want a secure hold on your plasterboard; too little spacing could cause weak spots in your wall/ceiling which could lead to loosening over time due to movement or vibration.

Generally speaking, no two fasteners should be placed closer than 20cm apart from each other; however this may vary depending on the size of the sheet and weight being supported by it. Make sure you check manufacturer guidelines before starting work!

Let’s Round This Up

Fixing plasterboard with fasteners requires careful planning and consideration, but if done correctly, can provide a strong foundation for any painting or decoration work that comes afterwards.

Make sure you select the right type of fastener for the job, drill pilot holes into the plasterboard before driving the fastener down, and always ensure proper spacing between each one! Doing all these things will help to guarantee that your finished product will remain securely fixed, no matter what environment it finds itself in.

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